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What is capacitor and its types?


Capacitor Image


1. A capacitor or condenser consists of an insulator placed between two conductors.

2. Capacitance is ability of a dielectric to store electric charge.

3. The unit of capacitance farad (F).

4. The capacitance of a capacitor is given by,

C=Q/V where Q= charge is given in Coulomb.


Types of capacitors

Capacitor Symbols

A. Fixed Capacitor

1. Electrolytic (Polar) capacitors

a) These capacitors are marked to indicate which side must positive to maintain internal electrolytic action.

b) These capacitors provide larger capacitance values in the smallest space with minimum cost.

i. Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors (wet type)

a) In this type two aluminium electrodes are in electrolyte of phosphate, borax or carbonate.

b) Capacitance ranges from 5 to 2000µF, approximately.

c) The disadvantage of this type is relatively high leakage current which about 0.1 to 0.5 mA/µF.


ii. Tantalum electrolytic capacitors

a) In this type tantalum(Ta) or titanium(Ti) plates are used.

b) These capacitors provide following advantages:

·       Larger C in a smaller size.

·       Longer shelf life

·       Less leakage current

d) The drawback of this type is that their cast is more than the aluminium type

e) Capacitance is upto about 300µF.


2. Non-electrolytic (non Polar) capacitors

a) These capacitors are classified according to the type of dielectric material used.

b) In this type polarity is not fixed.

c) The polarity of the charging source determines the polarity of the capacitor voltage.


i. Mica capacitors

a) In this type, thin mica sheets are placed between tinfoil sections which are used as conducting plates.

b) Capacitance of mica capacitors is upto 5000pF only.

C) A six-dot color code system is used to indicate the capacitance, temperature coefficient etc.

d) Breakdown voltage is 500to 20,000 V.


ii. Paper capacitor

a) A tissue-paper is used as dielectric.

b) Two rolls of tinfoil conductor are separated by the tissue paper.

c) Paper and plastic capacitors provide medium capacitance values of 0.001 to 1µF.

d) Breakdown voltage is 200 to 1600 V.


iii. Ceramic Capacitor

a) The ceramic dielectric materials are made from earth fired under extreme heat.

b) In the disk type, thin layer of silver present on both sides of ceramic forms the conductor plates.

c) Capacitance is upto 0.1 µF.

d) In tabular type, the hollow ceramic tube has a silver coating on the inside and outside surfaces.

e) The capacitance is upto 1600pF.

f) Five color bands are used to indicate the temperature coefficient, capacitance etc. 

g) Ceramic capacitors are used for temperature compensation.

h) The temperature coefficient is given in parts per million (ppm) per degree Celsius with a reference of 25 According to type the capacitance increases or decreases with arise in temperature.

iv. Air capacitor

a) These capacitors can provide greater safety.

b) Fixed value air dielectric capacitors are used as laboratory standards for calibration and measurement.

B. Variable Capacitor

1. Air gang condenser or capacitor

a) In this type, the fixed metal plates connected together form the stator.

b) The movable plates connected form the rotor.

c) Capacitance is varied by rotating the shaft.

d) Air is dielectric; therefore, two types of plates do not touch.

e) Gang condenser are used for tuning in radio receivers.


2. Trimmers and padders

a) These capacitor are used for fine tuning.

b) They are sometime constructed on the gang condenser.


Ratings of capacitor (Specification)

a) Capacitance of capacitor in µF.

b) Voltage rating.

c) The voltage rating specifies the maximum potential difference that can be applied across the plates without puncturing the dielectric.

d) Other specification of capacitors include leakage resistance, power factor, tolerance, temperature range etc.

Application of capacitors

1. Fixed capacitors are used for –

a) Coupling ac signal.

b) Bypassing ac signals.

c) Blocking dc signals.

d) Filtering

2. Variable capacitors are used for tuning in radio frequency.


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